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Your Project's Almost Done. Now what?

How to End a Project

Preparing for your project initiation includes preparing for your project close out.

It’s understood that without intervention, project’s visibility wanes as it nears the end of the project lifecycle. Influential project managers realize that this does not have to be the case and it’s in their best interest to continue to have eyes on their efforts.

The executive team is inclined to recharge when they know that this temporary endeavor is transitioning to business as usual. It is up to the project manager to ensure that this transition is as seamless as possible. This hand off solidifies the relationships, perceptions, and brand that you’ve worked so hard to create throughout the project lifecycle.

Project Closure Processes

Project closure processes will vary based upon the endeavor that has been implemented. Even with this variance, there are key steps that you will not want to overlook. These steps have been listed below:

  1. Finalization of testing

  2. Finalization of training

  3. Validation of the minimum viable product (MVP)

  4. Project Sign-off

  5. Release of project team to pursue new endeavors

  6. Handover of deliverables to your customers/end-users

  7. Archive of project documentation

  8. Closure of contracts

  9. Self-Assessments

  10. Celebration of team achievements and outstanding performers

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